The saxophonist Joshua Redman, one of the great figures of American Jazz invited for the first time , Brad Mehldau, the pianist who is becoming a legend ;
… It was in 1994 on his album Moodswing. They repeated the experiment in 2013 on the album Walking Shadows.
Meanwhile, in 2011, they were on Tour as a duet, which was a real success. The six recordings of “Nearness” This album released by Nonesuch Records, launched in September 2016 is the result of their European tour concerts in Madrid, Bern, Groningen, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Krongsberg.
We can taste a Joshua Redman’s composition , a dedication to his friend, “Mehlsancholy Mode” and two compositions by Brad Mehldau: « Always August » and« Old West »
The album begins with this beautiful song from the “Bird” and Benny Harris, “Ornithology” that places the bar pretty high to then take us all to a Thelonious Monk’s standard, “In Walked Bud” not to mention the title of Hoagy Carmichael & Neg Washington, which inspired the title of this collection: “the Nearness of You.”
L’improvisation, le lyrisme, le plongeon dans des aventures harmoniques subtiles est un véritable tour de force exécuté avec souplesse et parfois malice. Nearness est un enchantement. À écouter souvent et longtemps pour en absorber tous les sucs, tellement cette musique est riche et moderne.
Improvisation, lyricism, diving into subtle harmonic adventures is a true tour de force executed with a certain flexibly and sometimes malice. Nearness is a delight. To listen and often long to absorb all the flavours, so this music is rich and modern.
The duo will perform again November 12, 2016, for the London Jazz Festival.