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Hit Couleurs JAZZ

A very singular adventure that this quartet. The pianoless we know, without drums for more intimate moments we also know, and without double bass it sometimes happened. But without the three…It’s more rare!

If brass or wind quartets exist in classical music, they are rarer in jazz. In this respect, the Possible(s) Quartet innovates. Just a small but important (sic!) drawback on this recording since the first four pieces invite the pianist Sophia Domancich to come and embroider around the aeolian elucubrations of the four companions, by a few touches that would sound the hours of a call to musical order.

This “chamber” quartet has been touring for a decade and has also offered us a rereading of David Bowie’s music with four breaths (Songs For Bowie – 2019).

The writing and the playing are introspective and jubilant at the same time, offering soloist tracks in ensemble choruses which themselves become “solistised”. In short, a true renewal of the brass sound in jazz, which is not worth the trouble of listening to these atmosphere makers.

We don’t know if the word academicism could be used in the form of in or out, but one thing is sure, this is indeed a journey of decipherers…

The suavity of the bass clarinet and the flashiness of the embouchures, the call of the trombone, the perplexity of the hip, the rigor of the trumpets, all are found in the ensemble performances. What a daring palette that takes nothing away from the expressiveness. This increases the duration of the view and opens up the ears anachronistically.

A jazz a little impossible, well yes it is possible quartetement !

Line Up:

Rémi Gaudillat: trumpet, flugelhorn

Fred Roudet :trumpet, flugelhorn

Loïc Bachevillier : trombone

​Laurent Vichard : bass clarinet


Sophia Domancich: piano

 ©Photos Jean-Pierre Jacquot

Translated with the help of DeepL

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