Readers and explorers, after Ireland, the Jars Jase Jazz takes you even further north, to the Faroe Islands, an autonomous province of the Kingdom of Denmark, the kingdom where, according to Hamlet, something is broken.
Geography places the Faroe Islands in the north of the Atlantic Ocean, equidistant from Scotland (UK) and Iceland, near the Norwegian Sea. Soccer fans think of the Faroe Islands as far north, where the French national team scatters its fans like a jigsaw puzzle. Sea-fishing enthusiasts know that its waters are fertile. As a jazz fan, I was unaware of the existence of a jazz scene in the Faroe Islands. This error has now been rectified thanks to the increased quintet GO..
I can’t find the Scandinavian characters on my keyboard. As a result, I can’t write the band’s name, the musicians’ first and last names, or the song titles correctly. To make it up to you, I’ll write a very positive paper about their work.
The album starts with a funeral march, Javnaraflokkurin. Which turns into a tempestuous hymn to life. In the spirit of the New Orleans Marching Bands, but with a Feringian twist. Boldness pays off. I’m immediately won over by the fury of these musical Vikings.
Track 2, Loysing y Dos, sounds like a crazy spaghetti western with electric guitar and baritone sax (see the streaming track at the end of this review). The 6th track, Republikkin blooir, also sounds like a spaghetti western with cavalcade.
The 3rd track, Vinstrahogra, is energetic jazz rock designed to make you dance like a fish in water, readers and explorers. (Cf. the streaming track at the end of this review).
The 4th track, Dalslandsgade, would be perfect for a horror movie about a ship lost in the fog of the North Atlantic.
Ivi a Tanganesi takes us on a cruise, making us believe that the Faroe Islands lie under tropical skies (the kingdom of Denmark once had islands in the Caribbean Sea, but that’s a different story and geography from the Faroes).
In response to the Funeral March that opens the album, it closes with a kind of religious music, complete with temple organ, as the Faroese are overwhelmingly Lutheran Protestants. The album title “Aevir, Amen” (9)
GO’s “Aevir Amen” album features 9 tracks. As you can imagine, readers, navigators and explorers, each track takes you on a journey, telling you a story.
Même si, comme moi, vous ne connaissez rien des Iles Féroé, de leur histoire, de leur géographie, de leurs habitants, de leur culture, de leurs langues, de leur vie politique, cette musique vous procurera des sensations fortes et nouvelles. “ Un grand écrivain ne suppose pas du lecteur la connaissance du monde qu’il décrit. Il lui procure ” (Umberto Eco). Pareil pour un grand musicien. Peu importe la culture de l’auditeur, il lui raconte une histoire.
C’est ce que fait ce groupe féringien avec son deuxième album. Il nous emmène chez lui, dans son bout du monde et nous raconte de belles histoires. A ce jour, pas d’escale musicale prévue en France. A vous d’organiser leur concert sur terre ou en mer, lectrices navigatrices, lecteurs explorateurs.
Even if, like me, you know nothing about the Faroe Islands, their history, geography, people, culture, languages or political life, this music will give you new and exciting sensations. “A great writer does not assume that the reader knows the world he is describing. He provides it” (Umberto Eco). The same goes for a great musician. Whatever the listener’s culture, he tells him a story.
That’s what this Feringian band does with their second album. They take us to their home, to their part of the world, and tell us beautiful stories. To date, no musical stopover is planned in France. It’s up to you to organize their concert on land or at sea, readers navigators, readers explorers.
Line up:
Olavur Eyounsson Gaard: guitar, synthetizer, vocals, composition
Kristian Pauli Ellefsen: piano, Rhodes, synthetizer, wurlitzer, composition
Arni Johannesson: eélectric bass
Hjortug Paetursson Haberg: drums & percussions
Sjurour Zachariassen: alto & tenorsaxophones
Ernst Remmel: trumpet
Kristina Tede Johanssen: tenor saxophone
Malan Martinsdottir Joensen: bassoon
Maria Wang Reinert: trombone
Per Invald H Petersen: percussion, programmation
Runi Nielsen : sampled speech.
Aevir Amen was released by label Tutl Records, on November 8, 2024.
It is a Selection Couleurs Jazz Radio and a Hit Couleurs Jazz.
The original of this paper has been published by Guillaume Lagrée on his blog, Le Jars Jase Jazz.
Translated with the help of www.DeepL.com/Translator