From the first notes of Inner Urge, a Joe Henderson’s composition, every one can feel a jubilation atmosphere communicated by Darry Hall’s bubbling energy, very happy to find back his instrument after health problems which kept him away from the stage for several months.
All this is now forgotten and his double bass well in hand, he leads the drumming operations with his mates, delighted to share this privileged moment.
An eclectic repertoire including standards (Woody’n You, Lullaby of Birdland), compositions by the leader, a piece by Gabriel Fauré, the aptly named Libera Me, the famous Pink Panther by Henry Mancini, a beautiful interpretation by Curação Vagabundo by Caetano Veloso by the Italian singer Chiara Pancaldi bringing a touch of variety very welcome.
No one is looking for unnecessary complications here, all of them express themselves with a communicative swing capable of enhancing the beautiful melodies of the session.
This collection, which is the second published by Darryl Hall under his name, marks a successful return.
©Photo Patrick Martineau
Line Up :
Darryl Hall, double bass and bass,
Keith Brown, piano and keyboards,
Kenneth Brown, drums,
Baptiste Herbin, tenor and soprano saxophones,
Chiara Pancaldi, voice.
Swingin Back is an album Space Time Records.