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The sudden death at the age of 62 (February 18, 2018) of Didier Lockwood was a shock to music lovers, and to all who knew him.

This brilliant violinist, brimming with life, energy and generosity, enjoyed an international reputation. Jazz, gypsy jazz, jazz fusion, progressive rock, French song… he tackled many musical genres, pushing back borders and barriers.

21 photographers pay him tribute in color or in black and white …

Since his disappearance, numerous musical tributes have been paid to him all over France, but until then, no homage in images … However, jazz and photography have a common history and have always forged very strong links .

Setting up this exhibition seemed obvious to us.

We have therefore decided to mount this exhibition by inviting renowned photographers who are passionate about the jazz scene, whether professional or amateur.

The idea was to bring together around twenty of them around this project.

Les consignes sont simples : une seule photo par photographe, en couleur ou noir et blanc. Chaque photo indique la date et le lieu où elle a été prise.

Ainsi, nous avons contacté plus de trente photographes et tous ceux qui possédaient un cliché de Didier Lockwood, nous l’ont proposé avec enthousiasme.

Propos recueillis auprès de Roland Farjon et Patrick Martineau, les commissaires de l’exposition.

Photographers: a photo, a story …

Each photographer tells “his” Didier Lockwood through the photo he has chosen to exhibit. That’s why each photo shows the date and place it was taken. This narration in images thus retraces the fabulous musical adventure of this great musician who died far too soon.

After an official presentation to the press, on May 16, 2019 at the On-Off Studio Gallery in Paris 17th, the collection was the guest of honor of the CMDL (Center des Musiques Didier Lockwood) in Dammarie-Les-Lys, in November 2019.

Unfortunately all the exhibitions in the various Jazz Festivals in summer 2020 have been postponed, due to the cancellation of these events.

We are all the more fortunate that the exhibition at the Ministry of Finance from October 6 to 30 has been maintained.

Upcoming exhibitions are planned in Parisian Galleries at the start of 2021.

Photo Header :

Gros plan sur la main de Didier Lockwood par ©Sophie Leroux (Extrait)

Cover Photo:

Didier lockwood, Jazz Festival de La Grande Motte, 1980 by ©Christian Berthier

The Triptych :

Didier Lockwood –  2012, 2015 &2016, respectively by ©Lionel Baunot, ©Remi Hosteking and ©Patrick Martineau

End Image :

“Bye Bye”,  Festival Django Reinhardt  2016, by ©Antony Voisin

This exhibition is organized under the aegis of l’association Zebrajazz, Association of Public Interest, for aid in the dissemination of jazz musics.

Due to Covid restrictions, you should ask your invitation to JzzM, Patrick Martineau Page on Facebook.


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