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Agir Jazz – Nov. 23//24, Paris

By 17 November 2017December 14th, 2017No Comments

“Agir Jazz”: (Acting Jazz – Creative gesture, political gesture.*

The creative gesture of jazz originated in an act of resistance and salvation linked to the American context of slavery and segregation. A political dimension that is at the heart of the Jazz History.

But is it still relevant when some see jazz as music reserved for a circle of insiders, specialists who are disconnected from the realities of the world? Yet the contemporary creation (choreographic, plastic, literary, theatrical, cinematographic …) which is inspired by this music and draws more widely on what is defined as a culture and a jazz aesthetic, testifies to the fact that this gesture is always beautiful and a commitment to our contemporary issues.

©Caroline Pottier

What form does this commitment take and what does it mean to “act jazz” yesterday and today?

« Acting jazz », is not only playing music.

So how to define the jazz gesture and its political significance from the musician to the producer through the dancer, the actor, the playwright, the choreographer, the painter, the photographer, the director …?

What about this first political mark that attaches to the jazz gesture and this apparent dilution of its range of resistance in our contemporary society?

The meetings are organized around scientific communications, performances and screenings, but also round tables, listening tables and testimonies to hear the words of these artists who act jazz.

It takes place at the Centre de Wallonie Bruxelles, in Paris CWB, 46 rue Quincampoix.

See the conference program.

(*): from Sylvie Chalaye.

A window open to performing arts research, but above all resolutely transdisciplinary, these international meetings bring together researchers and artists from all walks of life who approach jazz as an aesthetic and a philosophy.

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