Kurt Elling, one of the current Jazz great voices, rewarded, recognized by the public, critics and many musicians, reaches now unanimity. He comes back with a wonderful album: “The Questions.”
This album is co-produced by Branford Marsalis. Branford did invite Kurt in his last CD « Upward Spiral » which we had shown in this magazine and to which Kurt Elling had thus contributed.
In « The questions », Branford Marsalis sounds his saxophone on « A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall » and « I Have Dreamed ».
The ten tracks on the album are covers of the greatest standards of the Great American Songbook, such as compositions by Bob Dylan, Leonard Bernstein “Lonely Town” Rodgers & Hammerstein, Paul Simon “American Tune“, Jaco Pastorius, Carla Bley, Joey Calderazzo …
« The Questions »? Celles que l’artiste se pose à propos du monde qui nous entoure… En effet, ni la musique en général, ni le jazz en particulier, ni encore monsieur Kurt Elling ne tentent d’apporter des réponses, mais préfèrent poser les bonnes questions, partagent, diffusent par leur attitude, des valeurs universelles de tolérance, d’ouverture aux autres, et finalement de joie… Ce qui d’ailleurs, semble le plus faire défaut aux extrémistes et tristes barbares de tous poils. Une manière radicale et pacifique de s’y opposer de la plus belle manière.
The questions, the ones that the artist is asking about the world around us … In fact, neither music in general, nor jazz in particular, nor Mr. Kurt Elling try to to give answers, but prefer to pose the questions. good questions, share, diffuse by their attitude, universal values of tolerance, openness to others, and finally of joy … Which besides, seems most lacking to the extremists and sad barbarians of all stripes. A radical and peaceful way to oppose it, in the most beautiful way.
Kurt Elling’s main tool? His superb baritone voice, his perfect technique and above all, the emotion he knows as no-one to transmit by reinterpreting all these delicate melodies, carefully chosen.
For this project, Branford Marsalis et Kurt Elling chose chose leading partners:
Marquis Hill, trumpet & flugelhorn
John McLean, guitar
Stu Mindeman, piano, Hammond B-3
Joey Calderazzo, piano
Clark Sommers, bass
Jeff “Tain” Watts, drums.
« The Questions » a poetic album, made of sensitive music, serving our emotions.
Listen immediately!
It is a Okeh, Sony Music album.