Jeune guitariste, Gabe Condon (1991) est tombé dans le jazz, lorsque Lycéen, il reçut en cadeau, un album de Wes Montgomery. En mai 2013, il obtient son diplôme de l’ Eastman School of Music, avec en poche un baccalauréat en musique Jazz et musiques contemporaine, option Guitare Jazz. En tant que compositeur, Gabe a déjà écrit et arrangé des pièces pour guitare et piano, orchestre et quatuor à vent. Ses compositions lui ont valu le Prix Charlie Côte. Il a également obtenu un prix de composition pour son « Jazz pour quatuor à cordes », initié par le Rochester Chamber of Music Society, pour la saison 2009-2010. L’avenir du Jazz est entre de bonnes mains!
Young guitarist Gabe Condon (1991) became hooked on jazz as a middle school student when he was given a Wes Montgomery album. In May 2013, he graduated from Eastman School of Music, with a Bachelor of Music degree in Jazz Studies & Contemporary Media, Jazz Guitar. As a composer, Gabe has written and arranged pieces for guitar and piano, big band, and woodwind quartet. His compositions earned him the distinguished Charlie Cote Composition Award in high school. He was also awarded for his jazz composition for string quartet, which was debuted by the Rochester Chamber Music Society, in their 2009-2010 Season. Jazz future is in good hands!